While it may not be Manifest Destiny that leads us back on the road, it is a yearning for adventure, beauty, and challenge . It is a desire to connect with people across the country in a simple, exhilarating way.
So, we have decided to ride across the country from St. Augustine, FL to San Diego, CA along the Adventure Cycling Association Southern Tier Route. We started planning this trip shortly after our return from the Mississippi River Trail, but work began in earnest on January 1 of this year. We have planned a lot, but still have many details to work out.
As we've stated previously, one thing we are doing on this journey that we've never done before is raise money for Alzheimer's Association. Cycling across the country is certainly difficult and presents many uncertainties. But these difficulties and uncertainties are of our own making. What dementia patients and their families experience daily is much harder than that, and they certainly didn't choose their destiny.
With the help of our local Alzheimer's Association chapter (special thanks to Sommer Lally!), we hope to connect with chapters in towns along the way, to share our story and promote support for the Association.